What No Added MSG Means

What To Do With The Fish Oil White Particles?

Explaining the white particles on sardines and mackerel tomato sauce?

Have you ever opened Ayam Brand™ Sardines In Tomato Sauce and found that there are some white particles/dots on top of the sauce? Don't worry, those are normal, safe to eat and, in fat, it is a proof of quality!

What are the white particles?

When the fish is very fatty and juicy, some of its fats migrate from the flesh to the surface of the sauce. The white particles are only fish oil that have crystalized in the form of white particles, depending on the storage temperature. It usually happens when the cans spend some time in an air-conditioned room.

What to do with the fish oil white particles?

Nothing! These white particls just indicate that the fish is very fat and juicy. They will dissolve when heated. Don't need to worry about it anymore, especially now that you know that they are good fish oil!

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is shealthy oil derived from the tissue of fatty fish, like sardines, salmon, mackerel, tuna which are recommended by nutritionists. Ayam Brand™ only chooses the best quality sardines from the cold seas. These sardines are much fattier and juicier to stand the extreme coldness. They contain richer fish oil which includes Omega-3. This is a natural process and shows that our sardines are of excellent quality.

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